Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mark Hubbard

Quick Quotes

An Interview With:


Q. Mark, great round of golf for you and making that turn had to be great to see that ball drop in for a deuce.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah. That definitely keeps the momentum going. I've been grinding with a couple of par saves, so it was nice to not have to putt for a change.

Q. You used the word grinding. Did it feel like a grind out there today? You have a clean card, but I know all those pars weren't easy.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah. I made a ton of like 5-, 6-footers for par. So especially coming down the stretch, so for a bogey-free round it was definitely a little stressful coming in. I was just trying to get into the house.

Q. I was surprised probably as much as you were the putt didn't get to the hole on 17 down that slope there. You looked a little befuddled there.
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah. I thought it was going to be really fast. I think I was going so much into that side slope that it actually slowed it down and made a right-hand turn, but just happy I made the next one.

Q. Double sixes look pretty good on the score card. 4-under, good luck tomorrow.
MARK HUBBARD: Thank you.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #182 at 2017-06-22 22:31:00 GMT

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