Travelers Championship
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Troy Merritt
Quick Quotes
Q. Troy, that was a great round of golf that you had there, only one blemish, but you made a nice bounceback. Talk about the par save on 17.
TROY MERRITT: Yeah, it's amazing what happens once you drive the ball in the fairway. I've kind of been struggling doing that this year, and tweaked the driver in Memphis and started hitting it better last week at the U.S. Open, and today I think we found a lot of fairways, and I think when we can do that, we can hit some greens and we made a couple putts. We get that putter rolling, hopefully we can make some more birdies.
Q. You had a great putt on 13 after -- I looked at it as a misplay or a tough play going over those sprinklers, but you bounced back with a great putt.
TROY MERRITT: Yeah, the ball wasn't sitting quite like I wanted. It was a little bit on a downslope, and I don't put a whole lot of spin on my chip shots, and I was just taking long out of play. If I hit it a foot or two harder it gets down closer to the hole. I missed in the right spot and was fortunate to recover and make the birdie putt.
Q. How do you carry this over to tomorrow?
TROY MERRITT: Just keep focusing on one shot at a time, just getting the ball in play, hitting the fairways, and hopefully we can hit some close and keep that putter rolling.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2017-06-22 22:34:00 GMT