Travelers Championship
Saturday, June 24, 2017
David Hearn
Quick Quotes
Q. Third round of 66. What was the strength of the game today?
DAVID HEARN: Yeah, we had a little different wind today on the golf course. So my focus, especially with the rain last night, was to give myself lots of chances for birdie.
I did a good job. I hit lots of fairways, gave myself lots of chances for birdie, and I was fortunate to make a few. So overall happy.
Q. Obvious highlight 15 with the eagle. (Inaudible) could you describe it for us?
DAVID HEARN: Yeah, hit a great tee shot here.
Lot of wind off the left. This is just a tricky putt to get the speed right. I could tell right here it looked pretty good. I was hoping to have enough, hoping to have enough, and it did. So it was a great feeling to make two on that hole. I've made eagle there in the past years, so I feel like you're getting one or two on the field today.
Q. Elaborate on the conditions out there, the breeze seems to be moving around and confusing.
DAVID HEARN: Yeah, it's tricky today we have a north wind which we haven't seen all week here this year so it just makes -- especially on the back nine, you get into those chutes and around those water hazards, and it just makes it a little tricky to pick your lines when you're not used to this wind. So hopefully, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but if it goes back to south, I think guys will feel more comfortable again.
Q. You finished tenth in your last (inaudible). Has something clicked in the game?
DAVID HEARN: Yeah, I think so I've been really close all year long. It's been kind of a slow start to the year really slow start to the year. It's nice to finally see some iron shots get close to the hole and give myself a lot of chances for birdie. If I can keep my head down tomorrow and keep doing what I was doing here today, it's going to be another good week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #170 at 2017-06-24 20:07:00 GMT