Travelers Championship
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Keegan Bradley
Quick Quotes
Q. How is the course playing this morning?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: It was playing kind of tough. It was really windy, and it was -- this place can make a lot of birdies, but you can make bogeys and doubles really quick, so there were a lot of tough shots.
Q. You put yourself in a good position after three rounds. What has come together for you this week?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I've been playing well for a while, and just trying to put it all together like we always say, all the clichés. But putted well today, hit the ball well. Really liking where my game's at.
Q. This is a course a lot of people like to play. But for you, it's a little bit of a home-field advantage. You had a lot of fans here the last few days. What kind of energy does that give you?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: It's really fun. They're very loud, very excited, New England fans. So nothing would give me more pleasure than to go out and shoot a good one tomorrow for them.
Q. Any shot to get your round kick started today, particularly in the back nine?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I made about a 44-footer on the 4th hole after 1-over through three. So that was a big putt. Then I made a really good birdie putt on 13, a hole I needed to birdie. So a lot of good putts I holed today.
Q. Keegan, it seemed the course dried out really fast. Some things started getting tougher pretty quickly.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was tough. I mean, we went out there, and the first couple holes were really kind of soft, and then it got windy. It firmed up. It's, again, it's a course where every hole is a birdie hole, and also where every hole is a bogey hole too. It's a tricky little course.
Q. Last night's ceremony at Fenway, I don't suppose you were there, but I'm guessing you watched it?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I wasn't. I watched it. It was awesome. I'm pumped, definitely.
Q. How was the wind today as far as on the course?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it seems to blow just enough here to make it interesting. It was blowing a good 15 the whole day. Some of those holes in the back with all the water and the doglegs can get really tricky.
Q. You said every hole was birdie and bogey; which one was in your mind the most?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are all birdie holes, but they're all very difficult shots. Like 13 is a birdie hole par-5 downwind, but there is not a comfortable shot on that hole. You can go around there and 5-, 6-under, or you can go around there 5-, 6-over. So it's important to go through there with a good score.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #170 at 2017-06-24 20:36:00 GMT