Travelers Championship
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Ryan Armour
Quick Quotes
Q. 64; fantastic started. What were you most proud of today?
RYAN ARMOUR: Patience. I didn't make any early. Like 1 through 4 or 1 through 3 I had some looks and didn't make them.
Then rolled one in on 5, and that just kind of -- it's unbelievable. Sports are a game of momentum, and golf is too. Soon as I made that one, hole kind of opened up and I rolled in some 15, 20-footers, which I hadn't been doing.
Q. Driving to the course today I wondered what the scoring conditions would be like. You may be low medalist of the morning wave with 64. Does that surprise you?
RYAN ARMOUR: A little bit. I mean, it's soft, but it's also playing the longest we've ever seen this course play. Guys aren't used to driving it up on top of the hill on 1 instead of chasing all the way down there and having a pitching wedge.
So it's just different and you had to adjust. The ball was not flying early in the morning. Luckily my caddie and I noticed it right away on the first hole and adjusted.
Q. What's the biggest adjustment when it's this saturated? Is it about that carry number? Is it about how the ball reacts when it gets to the green?
RYAN ARMOUR: I think when it was damp and dark early this morning I think the biggest thing was the ball was not flying. Wasn't getting up to an apex. 7-irons were going probably eight, nine yards shorter than normal.
For us to be able to adjust quickly allowed us to have a lot of good looks.
Q. Excellent start. If we can get some comments on your day, please.
RYAN ARMOUR: Drove it in the fairway all day. Only fairway I missed was 15; drove it in the water and made bogey. That allowed me to lift, clean, and place out here in the soft, muddy conditions. Allowed me to get my hand on a perfect lie every time and you could be kind of aggressive to some hole locations that normally -- this place normally turns purple by Friday afternoon.
With the soft conditions we were able to kind of fire at some stuff.
Q. What does it do to your psyche to finish off a really good round with a birdie?
RYAN ARMOUR: It's great. It's great to finish stuff off. You really want to make that. I had like 10, 11 feet straight up the hill, which straight putts are always difficult. In the grand scheme of things it's only one shot, but it's going to make lunch taste better.
Q. 64 is a good score anywhere.
RYAN ARMOUR: Anywhere, any day.
Q. How does that reflect on how you thought you played today?
RYAN ARMOUR: I played well. Gave myself a lot of opportunities, which I hadn't been doing lately. Hadn't been hitting a lot of greens. Wasn't shaping the golf ball the way I wanted to shape it.
We worked really hard the last few days, a little Tuesday morning and then all day Wednesday with my instructor, Jason Carbone, who came out from Jersey.
Just trying to get the start lines and being able to shape it from the middle of the green out.
Q. We see a lot of the glamour or players. You're someone that got on tour in your early 30s and win in your 40s. Describe your life on this tour, typical grinder and being like that and having to go out every week and proving yourself.
RYAN ARMOUR: I think that's a compliment actually. You know, a lot of people look down on that like, You're not a superstar so why are you still doing it?
Well, I enjoy the game. I enjoy coming to these great, great tournaments like Travelers puts on. My kids love the lifestyle, and it provides an outlet that my kids get to see how hard I work and they get to enjoy the process of the hard work. So maybe they'll learn a little something about hard work.
Q. Where did your love for the game come from?
RYAN ARMOUR: Just competing. Basketball I loved, but I'm 5'9" and can't jump. Just competing. I mean, I love to go out there knowing it's just me against the course, or in match play one-on-one. I didn't have to rely on someone else to get me the ball or me to give it to someone else. It was always in my control.
When you go out there and compete and compete at the highest level, it's very gratifying.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-20 17:29:00 GMT