Travelers Championship
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Keegan Bradley
Quick Quotes
Q. 65 to open. What did you like about your round out there?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I got off to a really quick start and made some long putts early. Just played really solid all day, and when the putter gets going like that it makes it a lot more fun.
Q. You had a quick start at the RBC Canadian Open. How would you say your game is different from a couple weeks ago to now?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: The game is good. I just got to put four days together. I've been doing this all year, having a good two rounds, good three rounds, good one round. Maybe this is the week I need to put four together. It's time.
Q. You were talking a little earlier and you said you have 20 to 30 friends, maybe 100 total people including friends and family out her this week. Is that fun? Chaotic?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it's both fun and chaotic, but I've learned to embrace it. The fans here treat me like I'm one of their own, so makes me proud.
Q. Excellent start. Just get some comments on your play.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, you know, I got off to a really fast start and made about a 40-footer on 1 and then can't that going. I made the putt with the flag in on 1 so I did it for a lot of the day and made some more.
Just fun to make putts. That's the best.
Q. You've played this place so many times. Comfort factor out there, how does that help?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it really feels when I come to this tournament that I'm coming home, which is fun. It feels like home. The grass reminds me of home. I really cherish this week every year.
Q. You got off to a fast start. I'm sure it was disappointing to not being able to add more on the back. At the same time, was it almost a plus that you did drop a shot...
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, you know, that backside is really tricky. You can make a lot of birdies, but there is lost of others out there, too. I hit good shots and hit good putts and they just didn't go in.
There were a couple really good par savers that I made that went a long way.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-20 22:04:00 GMT