Travelers Championship
Friday, June 21, 2019
Phil Mickelson
Quick Quotes
PHIL MICKELSON: It doesn't feel anywhere near as bad as it did a couple months ago. Feel like I'm a lot closer. This was a disappointing day for me.
Q. (Indiscernible.)
PHIL MICKELSON: Yeah, you know, it happened at Memorial, too. I was in contention after the first round, had a good first round, and first shot hits the cart path on 10 at Memorial and goes out of bounds. Same thing here.
I didn't really right the ship very well. But, again, I feel like I've had a couple good breakthroughs and my ball striking game is much closer than it's been. I'm want to keep playing now because I feel like it's closer. Today was just not what I expected.
Q. (Regarding playing after majors and energy levels.)
PHIL MICKELSON: I don't think that was the case. I was really excited to play and came out yesterday with a lot of energy and hit a lot of good shots and was ready to get up in it.
I also had the week off before the Open so I wasn't too tired. I don't know. I just had a fluke nine holes.
Q. (Regarding rain.)
PHIL MICKELSON: I thought -- I mean, you could say that, but I thought the course was very gettable. I thought it was in great shape. It handled the rain really well.
Guys that played well and played smart, strategic golf could still shoot something in the mid-60s and have a good day. You say Jason Day do it.
It's a little disappointing because I really felt like my game was coming around. This is a good golf course for my game, too. Just unfortunately didn't put it together. Had a really rough nine there.
Q. Going to play before the British?
PHIL MICKELSON: Yes, in Minnesota. Take next week off and go to Minnesota.
Q. (Indiscernible.)
PHIL MICKELSON: I think so. I really like the course, and given the way the schedule is with it being difficult for me to play the weeks before majors, there is a good chance I'll start playing weeks after.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-21 17:46:00 GMT