Travelers Championship
Friday, June 21, 2019
Ryan Moore
Quick Quotes
Q. Bogey-free, 64. Had a little bit of everything from a weather-conditions standpoint. To get around here without a blemish has to be a very happy feeling.
RYAN MOORE: It is. This golf course is playing very different than I think I've ever seen it play just because it's not very warm, the ball is not rolling anywhere.
I had two consecutive -- par-4 and a par-3 in a row I had to hit 5-wood into on my second nine of day; fortunately made birdie with one of them.
It played very different, but I think it's a good, fair test of golf no matter what the conditions are. You hit the right shots and put it in the right places you have a chance to score, and that's what I did today.
Q. Feels like a golf course that sets up nicely to your eye. How have you adjusted with the conditions through two days?
RYAN MOORE: Like I said, just had to get more comfortable with having longer clubs in holes. Places and holes you're used to having 7, 8-irons into I was hitting hybrids into each of the last two days. Maybe the sun will come out; maybe it will dry up a little bit. But I don't see is being too different tomorrow again.
Playing it all right this way. Just need to keep making putts like I did today. Putted a lot better today than I did the day before and felt a lot more comfortable. Hope that continues.
Q. Is it the putter that you want to carry over into the weekend or what's been working the best for you that you want to see show up Saturday ad Sunday?
RYAN MOORE: Yeah, I mean, the only difference from yesterday to today was putting. I made the putts I should've made. Yesterday might have been my best iron ball striking round I've ever had. I hit it to eight feet all day long and just couldn't make them. Wasn't hitting bad shots. They just weren't going in.
So kind of notice something with my alignment towards the end of the round unfortunately. Made three birdies in a row and three good putts, and that carried on to today. Hopefully that continues.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-21 21:35:00 GMT