Travelers Championship
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Keegan Bradley
Quick Quotes
Q. Chipping away, you get it to one. What were your thoughts at that point?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I was just having so much fun. The crowds, man, that was so great. Felt like a Ryder Cup for me just because they were so -- you just dream of that as a kid. It was just incredible. I was having the time of my life.
Q. Take me through what unfolded on the last few holes.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, hit a good drive on 17 and hit it in that bunker. Such a tough shot.
I ran my next putt by. It was just tough. Wish I could have had that back.
Q. At that point in the course how hard is it to close a gap 1-down?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, the back nine, this course (indiscernible) birdiefest. Man, some tough shots on the back side. You got to execute. If you don't, you're hitting it out of bounds or in the water; (indiscernible) is in play on every hole.
Proud of the way I played.
Q. Did you surprise yourself at all that you got to one considering you started the day six back?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: I did a little bit. I knew Chez was just going to be on the fairway, on the green. He was playing great. I knew he was going to be really tough to beat, and he was.
Q. Your week in its entirety, what's your take?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Dream come true. I got to play in front of the fans in New England and put on a show. I've never felt that type of support ever. Maybe in a Ryder Cup. It was so fun.
Q. You made it really close, made it a competition. Didn't quite get the job done, but still satisfied I'm sure.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was such a blast out there. I had the time of my life. I imagined this as a kid coming here to the GHO and now the Travelers when I was ten years old. I was out there living it. The fans were on my side and it was so fun.
Q. Just talk us through the tee shot on 16 after you got within a shot.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: The 16th hole I just -- the wind was in -- the par-3?
Q. Yeah.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: The wind was in and I hit a good shot and it just was too much club. I may have hit the best shot of the day, that chip. Those shots are so difficult. Wind is swirling around.
Q. At what point did you think this could happen on the back nine as momentum was going your way?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: After I made the putt on 11, par-3, I was thinking, I got a real good shot at winning this tournament because of how difficult the shots are coming in for a guy with a lead. Kept the pressure on him the whole day.
All the credit to him. He played so well. I knew he would. He's one of the best players out here; has been for a long time. Not a lot of the public knows, but he's a great player.
Q. (Regarding the bunker at 17.)
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, didn't flush. Hit a 9-iron and skulled it. Just hit it thin. Just a brutal shot. It's one that you just -- you know, fairway bunker water short is just a brutal shot and I got it thin. If I could have a shot back obviously that would be the one.
Q. Talk about being from New England playing here and the performance today.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I'm speechless. The crowd was so behind me and so loud. Felt like a Ryder Cup atmosphere for me. Man, I dreamt of this ever since I've come here when I was ten years old. To come to this tournament every year of putting myself in this position and having this chance on the back side, it lived up to the hype. It was awesome.
Q. Looking forward for the rest of the season?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I can build a lot on this. I putted incredibly. I need to keep going. I put four rounds together and I got to keep going. It's a race to the finish here, and I got to keep the pedal down.
Q. Always been a team player. Presidents Cup is coming up. Thoughts on that?
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I mean, a win here would've helped, but I got do a lot to get on that team. Maybe I'll show Captain Tiger something in the next couple months.
Q. Talk about this and just the way this thing has exploded, the clubhouse and the whole thing.
KEEGAN BRADLEY: Travelers does the best job of any tournament I play. I know that. Just the people that run the tournament and the people at Travelers, they figured out how to put on probably the best event of the year. I think a lot of the players would say that.
I'm very proud to have this be one of my home events where I grew up.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-23 22:49:00 GMT