Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. You've obviously played this tournament before; what's it like coming back to an event as a professional for a second time?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, it feels good. It's a little different when you know the course from before. You don't have to spend as much time playing the course and knowing where to hit it. I feel like I kind of have a very good strategy for this course, and it's just about kind of figuring out your shots, just the pace of the greens and the firmness of the greens, just kind of getting into tournament golf.

Q. Can you give an example of how you've changed as a player from last year when you were here to today at this point? You said a little earlier you've "got more shots." What's a shot you've got now that you didn't have then?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: So I really just remember me and my caddie Shay were talking about it on 15, the drivable par-4. I remember I hit a really bad 3-wood there last year up in kind of the bushes on the right side, and that shot was kind of -- that was in my dispersion pattern. But with my swing right now, I feel like I'm able to hit the longer clubs a lot better. I can get a lot more height and they don't curve as much left to right, which they were doing last year, because I remember I would just -- it would be a perfect 3-wood for that hole, but I would just like hit a driver, hit like a little chip cut and try to roll it up on the green, which didn't work that badly, but it's a lot nicer just knowing that I can step up with a 4-wood and just hit it normal, and it just makes the landing area a lot bigger.

Q. So for example, on 13 today, was that the 4-wood that you hit?

Q. And was that the shot?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, a hundred percent, because I remember the wind there was a little different there last year. I remember having like 6- and 7-irons in there. But that would be one of -- that would be a shot where I'd just feel really scared. I'd just try to trap something, just hit it low, just barely cover the water and just roll it over the green and try to make a 4, but now I feel like I can -- maybe finesse is the wrong word, but I feel like I can do more to the ball with 3-wood off the deck, and again, that just makes the landing area a lot bigger.

Q. When somebody like Mackenzie goes out and shoots a 60 and there's a 63 on the board as you're getting ready to tee off, how much do you mentally think par-70 today isn't going to cut it; I need to do a little something extra?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, I mean, I'm aware of -- there was a couple par-5s that are decent looks and a couple short par-4s where if you hit some decent shots, you're going to have fairly easy birdies, but if you don't hit them and you make par on those holes, then you're kind of, oh, man, I've got to get it somewhere else, and that's kind of when you're in trouble. I mean, again, you've got to just try to stay within yourself. Obviously it played it a little harder in the afternoon. You just dig down and shoot a couple under and if you just play good from there on, you're still doing pretty well.

Q. You're talking about it playing a little bit harder. Was it a question of the wind picking up or the greens firming, or did it become sort of variable where it was a little bit more of a guessing game?
VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, the wind kind of kept switching a little bit, and sometimes you got a nice little gust there, and the next minute it wasn't blowing a whole lot. You kind of had to trust your decision, so it kind of threw you a little bit off.

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Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-25 21:53:00 GMT

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