Travelers Championship
Friday, June 26, 2020
Dustin Johnson
Quick Quotes
Q. Dustin, how would you assess your round out there today?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I thought it was pretty solid. A little better than yesterday, obviously, off the tee. I drove it a little better today. Yesterday I struggled with the driver. But today I drove it a lot better, and yeah, I mean, missed quite a few short ones for birdie, but yeah, rolled in a couple 20-footers. All in all, a pretty solid day I felt like.
Q. Obviously the scores weren't as low this morning as maybe they were yesterday. Do you think the course maybe played a little tougher?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, to me I thought the wind -- well, yesterday morning they didn't have any breeze. Today we had -- I mean, I was just talking to Jordan, and other than 16, every single shot we hit was into the wind. I mean, we didn't get one hole downwind. I don't know how you can go around this golf course and do that other than 16, which worked in our favor. We all three made birdie there.
But yeah, I thought the wind was tricky today. It was hard to get a beat on it, and it wasn't blowing one or two miles an hour, it was enough to where it would affect the golf ball enough. That's why I think it played tougher this morning.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-26 16:08:00 GMT