Travelers Championship

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Stuart Appleby

Quick Quotes

Q. One of the few experts on 59.

Q. Is 58 even in the --
STUART APPLEBY: Don't ask me how you have a 58, okay, because it's one less than 59.

Q. How amazing is it?
STUART APPLEBY: That's amazing. Great effort. I mean, I played really -- Jim beat me by 10 shots on the front nine. I finished my nine holes and looked at the number and went, oh, 37; didn't he have 27? Yeah, obviously the course was a lot easier in the morning (laughter), somewhere around 15 shots. It's great. Unfortunately now it's the old number. 59s are like dog's breakfast, just all done, put them on the ground.

Q. Were you watching the leaderboard at all?
STUART APPLEBY: Not really, no. He was almost finished when I was just starting. I knew he'd come home with something in the 50s, break 60. I mean, that's a huge effort. I mean, that's great. I don't know what to say except he's -- you've got to have skill. You've got to -- like at least you've got to hit the ball -- and you need a lot of luck. To hole out on your second shot, you need that. But you need to pull the right club, get the right bounce read the right putt, get the speed right to a quarter of a mile an hour, hole after hole after hole, and it's just -- and then in the end, just doing that is extremely rare and difficult, but then you run out of holes usually. You might like -- you need three more holes or something like that. I mean, that's just fantastic.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-08-07 20:00:00 GMT

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