Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Peter Malnati

Quick Quotes

Q. Peter, nice start. Just get some comments on your round.
PETER MALNATI: Sure. You know, it was fun to go out and play really well. I had last week off, which is always a little disappointing to watch your peers play at a place like Pebble Beach in a major.

But it was really good for me. I was home and able to enjoy a week of kind of balance some relaxation time with hard work on my game. To come out and get off to the start I did today was great.

Q. Hit an iron, what, eight feet for birdie to get things going? Did that just jump start the round right away?
PETER MALNATI: Yeah, I mean, I guess you could say that. I just went out there and I was trying to do my best. 10 is a challenging hole at little any time, but the ball is not going super far at 6:45 in the morning with the fairways being fairly soft. I mean, to hit 5-iron into that green, it's kind of a daunting task; green is pretty narrow.

I would've been happy with that ball really anywhere on the green, and to hit it to eight feet was a bonus and that's great.

Q. Were there specific shots that were going well for you all day consistently?
PETER MALNATI: No. I just really didn't hit any bad shots today. You know, here and there I sprinkled in a shot that was a little bit disappointing or off. My one bogey was a really bad 9-iron on the third hole. Even that shot I was trying to be stupidly aggressive to a tough pin. It was more mental than it was physical.

No, it was just good, steady play. Hit a couple great shots. Hit a 3-wood into the 13th green, par-5, and that was a really, really good one.

But for the most part it was just good, steady, lots of good shots.

Q. How were the conditions out there?
PETER MALNATI: Dead letter perfect for scoring. I mean, we had the umbrellas up probably for five or six of the holes today, but it was just to keep the annoying mist off us. It was never a rain that was going to affect rain negatively.

The course is absolutely amazing. We were commenting in our group today that given the rain from yesterday we think the greens must have a subair system to suck the moisture out because the greens were perfect. We know they don't, but that's just how good they were.

So that's such a treat to get to play golf courses like this week in and week out. To have this place be in this good of shape with the wet weather they've had in the area and the wet weather this week, it's amazing.

Q. Couple good finishes last couple starts. Would you say this is more you rounding into form or what's clicking for you right now?
PETER MALNATI: Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I've played pretty well all year. I think I'm a better golfer than a year ago and I was better then than I was two years ago and so on and so forth.

Yeah, I feel like I'm playing the way I want to play, and I would like to -- I said this earlier -- I would like to see -- you know, when I play really well right now I'm finishing 15th, 17th, 19th, in that range.

I don't know if people know that's a heck of a good accomplishment on this tour. There are so many good players.

I do believe that on the path I'm on, if I continue to play well, some of those weeks when I have it clicking I'm going to start getting some top finishes. That's obviously why we play. No, I feel really good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-20 15:58:00 GMT

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