IndyCar Media Conference

Friday July 15, 2016

Robin Frijns

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: -- talk about your impression of the new series.

ROBIN FRIJNS: Yes, I had the first season with Andretti Formula E. It's been a good season, considering the car we're having.

We wanted the season one car. We were quite competitive throughout the whole season, top 10 almost everywhere. Had one podium in Malaysia. That went really well.

Finishing 12th in the standings, which was a bit of a disappointment at the end because London I had a (indiscernible) two times with other drivers. That was a bit unlucky. But overall I think it was a good season for us.

THE MODERATOR: Toronto this weekend, back at an IndyCar event. What are you hoping to take away from the weekend into next week's test?

ROBIN FRIJNS: It's a new car, it's a new track. There's a lot to learn. It's been a while for me since I drive for the highly downforce car. Formula E is not that high downforce. I have to go back to the Formula One days. I have to get used to it.

But, yeah, there's only one day. I sure I will enjoy driving the car and see how it goes.

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Robin.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: I think the competition in Formula E is really high. The drivers, too, there all come from Formula One. Very experienced drivers. So the level is really high.

To drive in such a field, be really competitive with Andretti, that's really good thing.

Driving-wise, speed-wise, it's a bit slow because it's a new class. They are electronic cars, as everyone knows. There's a lot of technology behind it. I think in a few years' time they're going to be really quick. Well, that's what we hope.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: I just drive, so there's lots to see, lot of new things which I'm not used to.

But, yeah, I didn't see feedback because I didn't see any cars driving yet. I will work together with the team, Andretti, and hopefully I'll learn a lot before I jump in the car.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: Of course I want to be competitive. That's one thing. But, as I said, it's a new car, new track. In one day to learn everything, it's quite tough.

For me, the most important thing is to enjoy having this test that Michael gives me. At the end of the day we see where we are.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: I do race with Audi, the GP3 car. Did it all season, full season.

But, yeah, I'm here now. I have this opportunity now. If everything goes well, maybe I will have an opportunity next year or maybe in a few years' time. It's the Formula One of America, so it's the highest level you can achieve in America. That's a good thing.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: Yeah (laughter).

I mean, Andretti is one of the biggest teams in IndyCar. They won the Indy 500 with Rossi. They are competitive for several years or decades.

If I have the opportunity to jump in for a full season, I will.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: I didn't drove the car yet, so I don't know.

Q. (No microphone.)
ROBIN FRIJNS: Formula E is getting really big. We were in Hong Kong, beginning here in Canada. It's a real good thing that Formula E is driving with all those big cities. We're adding in New York, as well, so that's really nice.

Yeah, it's good fun to see the cities and to drive within the cities. It's not normal that you drive with a single-seated car in a big city. It's really enjoyable.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much.

ROBIN FRIJNS: Thank you.

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Rev #1 by #168 at 2016-07-15 18:41:00 GMT

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