Travelers Championship
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Ernie Els
Quick Quotes
Q. Talk about the shot.
ERNIE ELS: What was it, 180? No, 176, and I was last to play. The other two guys played before me, so they gave me a good indication how far it was. Just hit a good solid 7-iron, and that's what we aim at. Every now and again, once in a blue moon you get there, actually.
Q. Was it one of those where as soon as it came off the club face --
ERNIE ELS: Yeah, I actually said, be right. That's one of Ricci Roberts' lines. I took one of his lines, but it felt good. It wasn't a luck shot, just kind of a go.
Q. When was your last one?
ERNIE ELS: Yeah, this is No. 13, so we got to 13. I can't -- you know what, that's a good question.
Q. Through the Quicken Loans program you just won somebody a free mortgage for an entire year. Any comments on that one?
ERNIE ELS: I'm happy. Hopefully it goes to the right person. Hopefully they enjoy it. It was an absolute pleasure. If more guys on TOUR can do that and give people a little bit of a break, and thanks to Quicken Loans obviously for coming up with a brilliant idea. I think it's wonderful to help people out.
We have a great life out here, and for Quicken Loans to do that I think is brilliant.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2016-08-06 17:28:00 GMT