Travelers Championship

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Zack Sucher

Quick Quotes

Q. Two nines for you out there today. How would you characterize today?
ZACK SUCHER: The front nine was a lot of fun; back nine wasn't much. I don't feel like I did that much wrong on the back. The doubles on 11 and 12 weren't far off from being pretty good shots. To be honest, I though 12 would've (indiscernible) carried the bunker. Yeah, those were rough three straight holes.

But other than that, I felt like I hit it pretty well and rolled it kind of where I wanted to all day. Nothing went in on the back, but I was hitting good putts.

Q. Would you say the errors on 11 and 12 were miss judging it? Physical errors?
ZACK SUCHER: I misjudged the wind on 11. I didn't think it was as much left to right as it was. That shot was pretty good.

12, like I said, I would've thought it would've carried bunker. Even if it did I missed after that. I should have never make double from there. Worst case is you make bogey and move on.

11 couldn't have been worse. I don't think I could have got that shot out at (indiscernible) best of having to hit the lip leadership and plug again didn't help.

Yeah, it was a pretty solid day. I play like that again tomorrow it'll be under par for sure.

Q. What was the takeaway after that?
ZACK SUCHER: Yeah, absolutely. After doing that I had the holes where you can make big numbers coming up the next three, including 17. Happy to rebound a little bit and, yeah, I guess stop the bleeding.

Q. To continue on from that you must be pretty proud of how you came back.
ZACK SUCHER: Yeah, absolutely. That was a rough three holes going from -- I thought I made my putt on 9. I can't believe 9 didn't go in.

Thinking you're 5-under at the turn and all of a sudden being over par through 12 was rough. It's a pretty jam packed leaderboard other than Chez running away with it on the back nine. That was impressive.

Other than that, difference in three or four shots is huge. Happy to keep it together. Made a good up and down on 17. Really happy with that.

Q. Do you recall having a situation like that anywhere else you've played?
ZACK SUCHER: I don't know if I've had that stretch for that many holes in a row. I mean, made a bad swing on 10. That was awful. I deserve bogey.

But, man, three straight holes in a row I hit shots that weren't that far off all behind the lip. Two of them plug and -- yeah, rough. It was rough. That's all you can say about it.

Q. You're certainly not out of it. You're in with a chance tomorrow. A lot of good things you can gain tomorrow with a good low round.
ZACK SUCHER: Exactly right. I hit a lot of good putts today. Speed was a bit off. I wish I would've hit every putt about six inches harder. Would've made a few more.

A lot of good takeaways. Other than those three holes it was a great day.

Q. What was it like to be struggling like that and all of a sudden Chez was making birdies?
ZACK SUCHER: Oh, man, yeah.

Q. Did that compound your...
ZACK SUCHER: No. I wasn't watching as much what he is does on Saturday. It was more about me trying to get in with a good score. Yeah, I think he picked up -- what, birdied all three of those, so that's a lot. What was that, eight in three holes? That's pretty big.

Q. Ten-shot swing.
ZACK SUCHER: Yeah, exactly right. So, yeah, 10, 11, 12, that hurts. Yeah, other than those three holes I'm very happy how I handed myself. Played pretty well.

Q. Can you feel anything physically changing in that? Not with your swing, but your heart starts racing, breathing changes? Anything you do to get out of a rut of bad luck?
ZACK SUCHER: I was kind of happy we had a break on 13. That was nice. Get to calm down a little bit. Yeah, I was rattled there for a few holes. Again, felt like I didn't hit that many bad shots in that three holes.

Felt like I probably deserved to play about 1-over, but that's golf. I've gotten a few good breaks this week. Yeah, glad we had a little break to recover from it.

Q. You were on the wrong side of the big swing today, but seeing how that can happen give you faith tomorrow?
ZACK SUCHER: Absolutely. This back nine is that way. You can make tons -- every hole is almost birdieable on that side. 10 is really hard; other than that, you can birdie all of them.

But, man, there is trouble everywhere. Biggest thing is get that driver in play and the course is pretty easy. The front nine hit my driver awesome; back nine I wasn't as good with it and I paid for it.

Q. What happened on the tee on 10?
ZACK SUCHER: Yeah, 10 doesn't fit my eye well at all. When I'm hitting it really well I hit a high cut, and that tree just -- I don't like the way it looks. Probably could hit 3-wood today, but I tried to just stay low cut and get underneath it. Obviously that was an awful swing. Worst I've made in a while.

Yeah, guess I was a good break. Kicked out of the woods. Could have been worse there. Yeah, overall I hit it pretty well. Back nine I was always in the rough by a foot; front nine I was on the right side. So it's kind of the difference.

Golf is a game of inches.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #179 at 2019-06-22 23:18:00 GMT

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