Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Michael Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess your round out there today?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Solid. It wasn't pretty at times, but hit some really great golf shots coming down the stretch. Putting was very consistent all day, which is nice. These greens are perfect, so it's nice to be able to hit your lines. It helps to be able to read putts moving on down the week. Yeah, nothing really to complain about other than just cleaning up my ball-striking just a little bit. I hit a few wayward shots but I was able to recover nicely, so all in all a good day.

Q. Is this just a continuation from last week of your solid play? I know we talked last week and you seemed like you're working on your swing a little bit and getting back into some of the old feels?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Yeah, I've been working real hard to create a one-way miss, which for me is to the right, hitting little fades on every shot, and my swing has gotten to the point now where I feel like I can release the club and the ball is not going to go left. That's a great place to play from in this game, to feel like you have the freedom to make an aggressive swing and know that the ball is not going to go in the direction that you don't want it to go. I think just keep working on it and keep playing my game. I'm not the longest hitter out on TOUR, not the best ball striker in the world, but I think I'm good enough to compete every week, so just to keep that going.

Q. The putting has obviously been very good the last couple weeks. You went back to that old college putter. Why do you think you're having so much success with it right now? Is it just old feels, just seeing it the right way?
MICHAEL THOMPSON: Yeah, it's just -- I don't know, just looking down on that putter, it feels comfortable. I like the way it sits on the ground. I like the feel of the ball coming off the club face. It's a little different than some of these modern putters, so my speed has been really good, and the biggest thing is I'm starting it on my line. That's the key to putting. It doesn't matter how you set up, where your ball position is. It's so individualized that the only thing that really matters is that you start it on your line, and I'm doing that very, very well right now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
Rev #1 by #166 at 2020-06-25 15:30:00 GMT

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